“We are back to Sarajevo to sub-zero temperatures but we still feel the warmth in our hearts that you have been giving us throughout our stay at Parmarth.  The impressions are settling but there is one that will leave a lasting imprint on our minds and souls:  your genuine warmth and humanity rarely found in our modern, hurried and dehumanized world.  We are now imbued with a new spirit and hope and I am doing my best to share these impressions with my friends.  They all now know about the day-care centers for cows, free education for children, and the fascinating man who is walking the walk.  And they know I am not in habit of complementing people.  May God give you the strength to carry on the mission charted for you.  Please convey our respects and gratitude to Sadhviji.  What an inspiration has she been!  Our love to both of you.”