This ashram is open for the stay of only those pilgrims who are here to devote themselves to sadhana, meditation, seva and satsang. To fully take in the ashram experience we highly encourage you to engage yourself in sadhana, introspection, reflection, meditation, seva and satsang whilst you are here. In addition, here are some tips or guidelines that we recommend will be helpful to you during your visit and stay:
- The pilgrims staying in this ashram are required to observe and adhere to truth, non-violence, self-discipline, and polite etiquette.
- All pilgrims are expected to join in the Ganga Aarti (the light ceremony with devotional songs at sunset).
- Men and women should wear clothing that covers shoulders (no sleeveless shirts), midriff, and calves (no capris, shorts, or short dresses). Ladies should be careful to cover their cleavage. Yoga Students are expected to wear white, a balance of the seven colors and the color of purity. Please avoid wearing tight clothing both for your own comfort and as a sign of respect for the local culture. Additionally, it is customary to remove your shoes before entering buildings or sacred places. If you are not dressed appropriately you may not be allowed to participate in yoga classes or other Ashram activities.
- In the event that the administration asks the pilgrim to leave, the pilgrim must vacate the premises immediately.
- No strangers or persons who are not mentioned on the admission form are allowed to be invited or entertained in the rooms.
- If the pilgrim has to leave for two or three days, he or she will have to inform the manager and will have to leave the keys to the room in the ashram office. If he or she has to leave for more than three days, he or she will have to vacate the room. Locking the room without providing information to the management is prohibited. If necessary, the management will open the room by breaking the lock.
- It is the pilgrim’s responsibility to keep his/her room clean and tidy. Rooms should always remain in the same condition as when they were assigned.
- Please refrain from picking flowers and littering.
- It is prohibited to use playing cards, radios, or TVs.
- No pets are allowed.
- The following are strictly prohibited: smoking, drinking intoxicants, using drugs, eating egg or other non-vegetarian foods, playing cards, watching television, playing radios/cassette players loudly. We also recommend that you refrain from eating onions and garlic.
- No one will have the rights and license of tenancy.
- Each pilgrim will have to vacate the accommodation on the stipulated day, even before the management asks him/her to do so.
- Please insist on a receipt for your donation. Specify the cause to which you want to donate (e.g. food for the poor, schools, gurukuls/orphanages, hospital, aarti, yagna, gaushala, accommodation, yoga and meditation programs, environmental programs, rural development, Veda Vidyayala, etc.).
- Please do not oblige anyone by directly providing money, clothes or tips of any kind. This affects the discipline and management of the ashram as well as negatively influences the divine, devoted feeling amongst the individuals here. Whatever help you want to give, please donate it to the office, and it will be distributed where it is most needed.
Silence is appreciated at the Ashram from 10:00 pm to 6:00 am.
ALERT: As per guidelines issued by the External Affairs Ministry, Government of India, satellite phones are completely banned in India. It is requested that foreigners visiting India do not carry satellite phones with them while travelling to and within India.